Payment for each new session is due 2 weeks prior to the beginning of each session. Payment for an upcoming session guarantees your child's placement in our program. Every session is 7 weeks long and session payments are due in full. Once payment has been made, there are no refunds for sessions. Notification in writing is necessary to withdraw your child from our program 30 days in advance for all classes except our team programs which requires a 60 day notice of withdrawal. Payment shows your commitment to the entire session allowing us to effectively schedule coaches for your child's class. Team tuition is due on the 1st of each month. Late payments are subject to a late fee outlined in the team contract. Every family is encouraged to go on Autopay which is deducted the week before the beginning of a new session. Autopay guarantees your child's continued placement in our program.
The annual registration fee is due on the anniversary date of your enrollment each year. The annual fee is $35 per student.
Colorado Gymnastics Institute closes for all major holidays including Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Christmas. If your child is in a class on one of these holidays, a make-up day will be offered or your tuition will be pro-rated. If the gym needs to close for any reason or a schedule change needs to be made due to unforeseen circumstances, a hosted gymnastics meet at CGI, or any other reason deemed necessary by the staff of CGI, we reserve the right to do so. In the event the gym closes for any other reason other than a holiday, a make-up day or pro-ration will be offered.
*All legal guardians are required to sign the Acknowledgment of Risk and Waiver of Liability upon registration before your child can participate in classes.
*Please dress your child appropriately in snug but comfortable clothing (no denim, buttons, zippers, or belts) that they can move in.
*Long hair must be pulled back away from the face. This is for the safety of your child and for ease in spotting for our instructors.
*Children are not allowed to wear rings, bracelets, anklets, or dangling earrings while participating in class or practices. If your child does so, he/she will be asked to remove the jewelry.
*We are not responsible for holding or keeping these items for you child. Also, we are not responsible if the item becomes lost or misplaced.
*No gum, food, or drinks are allowed in the gym. Breaks are given for them to drink water.
Please don't enter onto the gym floor unless a coach asks you for your help.
*If for any reason you should need your child, please ask the front desk for assistance.
*For the safety of all the gymnasts, please do not use flash photography at any time. Special arrangements can be made with the instructors for pictures.
*Management reserves the right to cancel a scheduled class due to lack of participation or a conflict with another class or event. Every effort will be made to accommodate each family to avoid any interruption in class time.
We make every effort to monitor children after classes. Parents need to be on-time to pick up their children. Many children get very anxious when class is over and they don't see their family member. Please let us know if someone else is picking up your child.
Colorado Gymnastics Institute is not responsible for items left in the gym or lobby.
We maintain a lost and found box but cannot promise your item will be found.
It is the responsibility of the parent to update records when needed. To keep auto-draft accounts current and email and physical addresses and phone numbers current.